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REVEL(tm) is Pearson’s newest way of delivering our respected content. Fully digital and highly engaging, REVEL offers an immersive learning experience designed for the way today’s students read, think, and learn. Enlivening course content with media interactives and assessments, REVEL empowers educators to increase engagement with the course, and to better connect with students. REVEL…
This Envision Math 2.0 Common Core Student Edition Grade 7 Volume 1 Copyright2017 by Scott Foresman is a comprehensive textbook that covers various subjects in education. It is published by Savvas Learning Company and has a trade paperback format. The book measures 11.1 inches in length, 10.5 inches in width, and 0.5 inches in height….
SUCCEED ON THE SAT WITH THE PRINCETON REVIEW! With 4 full-length practice tests (2 paper tests in the book and 2 realistic adaptive exams online), in-depth reviews for all exam content, and strategies for scoring success, SAT Prep, 2025 covers every facet of this challenging and important test., Essential Knowledge for the Digital SAT Updated…
A First Course in Chaotic Dynamical Systems: Theory and Experiment is the first book to introduce modern topics in dynamical systems at the undergraduate level. Accessible to readers with only a background in calculus, the book integrates both theory and computer experiments into its coverage of contemporary ideas in dynamics. It is designed as a…
Come along with authors Gordon Beld and David McMacken on a trip down memory lane to Alma College, a mid-Michigan school with a fascinating past, rich heritage and impressive influence. Look on as thousands of spectators flock to the campus for the annual Highland festival. Sit in the front row while a yet unknown young…
This accessible yet comprehensive primer helps readers understand the breadth of viewpoints on major issues in evangelical theology., This new edition of a popular text presents an accessible yet comprehensive primer that helps readers understand the breadth of viewpoints on major issues in evangelical theology, with chapters using the popular three- or four-views book format….
Title: Almost All About Waves ISBN13: 9780486453026 ISBN10: 0486453022 Author: Pierce, John R. (Author) Description: This Text Considers Waves The Great Unifying Concept Of Physics With Minimal Mathematics, It Emphasizes The Behavior Common To Specific Phenomena–Earthquake Waves Studied By Seismologists; Waves And Ripples On Oceans, Lakes, And Ponds; Waves Of Sound That Travel Through The…
Title: Alone Against The Dark: A Solo Play Call Of Cthulhu Mini Campaign ISBN13: 9781568824536 ISBN10: 156882453X Author: Costello, Matthew (Author), Mason, Mike (Author) Description: Alone Against The Dark Is An Adventure For One Player, Set In The Fall Of 1931 Your Goal Is To Solve Strange Disappearances And To Forestall A Calamity About To…
Explore the American corrections system from the perspective of both the corrections worker and the accused person in AMERICAN CORRECTIONS, 12th Edition. You’ll learn about institutional and community sanctions, aided by high-profile corrections cases taken from recent headlines to reinforce important theories. The authors “tell it like it is” with thought-provoking, unbiased examinations of such…